
How can I get started?

      You need to be very careful and exercise due diligence. There are growing numbers of international firms offering various approaches to FOREX trading. Look before you leap. Do your homework and check references. Many companies prey on the greedy promising phenomenal returns that are the exception, not the rule!  Find a company that doesn't promise the moon. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Reputable firms have credentials.            
     Beware of "Black Box" systems. It is against FTC regulations for a firm to offer any guarantee of performance of any system. What one can guarantee and offer is that their trading methodology is sound, productive and profitable.  
     Trading decisions should not be made by computer only. A professional trader is a human being, with emotions, intuition and a brain to interpret what the computer tells him/her. A trader is not a computer. A professional trader has been educated and is disciplined to live by his or her trading methodology of good judgment trading.  


What is the difference between an "intraday" and "overnight position"?

Intraday positions are all positions which are opened and closed anytime during normal trading. Overnight positions are positions that are still on at the end of normal trading hours, which are usually rolled over by your Forex broker (based on the currencies interest rate differentials) to the next day's price.